History: A 46-year-old woman presented with symptoms of urgency, frequency and urge-incontinence for 2 years with h/o of fever. Her urine was acidic with few pus cells, but sterile on culture. Other laboratory tests were normal. Ultrasonography suggested hydronephrotic right kidney with internal echoes. X-ray KUB show multiple lobulated calcifications in the right renal region conglomerated into the shape of the kidney.
Extensive parenchymal calcification in a non functioning kidney forming its cast is called a ‘putty kidney’ which is a characteristic of end-stage renal TB.
Symptoms: Persistent cystitis, unresponsive to antibiotics, ↑urinary frequency, dysuria, loin discomfort, malaise, fever, weight loss, ulcer.
Diagnosis: USG, Xray KUB, CECT scan
Treatment: ATT