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Major breakthrough in coronavirus treatment

Dexamethasone ‘Major Breakthrough’ in coronavirus treatment

Dexamethasone reduces deaths by up to a third in hospitalised patients with severe respiratory complications of COVID-19, the University of Oxford’s, UK randomised recovery trial has found.

“It is a major breakthrough,” Co-Chief Investigator, Peter Horby, professor of emerging infectious diseases in the Nuffield Department of Medicine, told a news briefing. “The results are sufficiently clear, we can announce the results today and people could be treated this evening or tomorrow.”

A total of 2104 patients were randomised to receive dexamethasone 6mg once per day by mouth or by intravenous injection for 10 days and were compared with 4321 patients randomised to usual care alone.

Dexamethasone reduced deaths by one-third in ventilated patients (rate ratio 0.65 [95% confidence interval 0.48 to 0.88]; p=0.0003) and by one fifth in other patients receiving oxygen only (0.80 [0.67 to 0.96]; p=0.0021). There was no benefit among those patients who did not require respiratory support (1.22 [0.86 to 1.75; p=0.14). Government Chief Medical Adviser Professor Chris Whitty called it “the most important trial result for COVID-19 so far”.

The World Health Organization (WHO) also said that initial clinical trial results from Oxford University showed dexamethasone, a steroid, to be lifesaving for critically ill covid-19 patients.

Source: Medscape

Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (AAT) Test

Uses: Preferred test to identify alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency and causative DNA and protein variants. Congenital deficiency of  Alpha-1-Antitrypsin is associated with early lung disease, Neonatal hepatitis and Infantile cirrhosis

Method: Nephelometry, Immunoturbidimetry, Polymerase Chain Reaction, Fluorescence Monitoring, Isoelectric Focusing, ELISA

Category: Genetic Disorders

Reference: Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Stool-Clearance: 1 – 49 mL/24h
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin, Quantitative by ELISA, Random Stool: 0.00 – 0.50 mg/g
Alpha-1-Antitrypsin: 90-200 mg/dL

Pre-test Information: No special preparation required

Specimen Collection: 2 mL (0.5 mL min.) serum from 1 Red tube. Do not use SST gel barrier tubes. Separate serum from cells immediately. Ship refrigerated or frozen or lavender (EDTA), pink (K2EDTA), or yellow (ACD Solution A or B) tube. 

Alpha-1-Antitrypsin Clearance, Quantitative by ELISA, Timed Stool: Entire 24-, 48-, or 72-hour stool collection. Refrigerate during collection. Collect blood during the stool collection time interval. Allow serum to clot completely at room temperature. Separate from cells ASAP or within 2 hours of collection

Storage: Frozen

Stability: Serum: Ambient: 1 week; Refrigerated: 3 months; Frozen: 3 months (avoid repeat freeze/thaw cycles)
Whole Blood: Ambient: 72 hours; Refrigerated: 2 weeks; Frozen: 1 month

Report Availability: Same day-10 days

More Details: Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (AAT) is a protease inhibitor which has the capacity to combine with and inactivate trypsin. It also neutralizes the activity of other proteases like elastase and hence is an intrinsic factor in the homeostatic mechanism modulating endogenous proteolysis. Deficiency of AAT is seen in Pulmonary emphysema and in children with Cirrhosis. At least 75 different alleles exist for AAT of which about 17 alleles are associated with pulmonary disease and only a few are responsible for liver disease. Elevated AAT levels are due to acute-phase reaction to inflammation and infections which is not linked to genetic defects. High values are also seen during pregnancy and on oral contraceptives

Ankit Bharat MD performs 1st lung transplant for COVID-19 patient

A woman in her 20s received a double-lung transplant last week after the coronavirus damaged her respiratory system, Northwestern Medicine in Chicago.

The woman spent 6 weeks in the hospital’s COVID ICU on a ventilator and life support. In early June, her lungs developed irreversible damage, and she was listed for a double transplant. Within 48 hours, the team was able to perform the procedure.

“A lung transplant was her only chance for survival,” Ankit Bharat, MD, chief of thoracic surgery and surgical director of the hospital’s lung transplant program, said in the news release. Organ transplants may become more common in severe cases of COVID-19, Ankit Bharat. The coronavirus affects the lungs most often, but it can also damage the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and nervous system.

“We want other transplant centres to know that while the transplant procedure in these patients is quite technically challenging, it can be done safely,” he said. “It offers the terminally ill COVID-19 patients another option for survival.” The patient tested negative for COVID-19 before she was placed on the transplant list.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Test

Uses: Use to detect the 2019 novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19

Method: Real-Time PCR, ELISA, Qualitative Nucleic Acid Amplification, Antibody (serology) test

Category: Viral Infections

Reference: COVID-19 test by RT-PCR: Positive: RNA specific to SARS-CoV-2 detected, Negative: RNA specific to SARS-CoV-2 not detected, Inconclusive: This could be due to the low viral load in the sample. A repeat sample is recommended for confirmation

COVID-19 IgG by ELISA: Negative: 0.7 Index or less
Indeterminate: 0.8-1.0 Index 
Positive: 1.1 Index or greater

Pre-test Information: Duly filled Covid-19 clinical information form (form 44) is mandatory.

Specimen: Submit oropharyngeal & nasopharyngeal Swab/ ET secretions/ BAL / Sputum inoculated in special viral transport medium. Duly filled Covid-19 documentation as mandated by GOI is mandatory. A blood sample is drawn from a vein or is collected from a fingerstick for an antibody test in Red tube.

Storage: Refrigerated

Stability: Stability Room: 2 hrs
Stability Refrigerated: 72 hrs
Stability Frozen: 1 month

Report: 1-5 days

More details: This test is useful for the detection of coronavirus. Coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a new strain that was discovered in 2019 and has not been previously identified in humans. Common signs of infection include respiratory symptoms, fever, cough, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties. In more severe cases, an infection can cause pneumonia, severe acute respiratory syndrome and kidney failure. A negative result does not rule out the possibility of Covid-19 infection. Presence of inhibitors, mutations & insufficient RNA specific to SARS-CoV-2 can influence the test result. Kindly correlate the results with clinical findings. A negative result in a single upper respiratory tract sample does not rule out SARS-CoV-2 infection. Hence in such cases, a repeat sample should be sent. Covid-19 Test conducted as per kits approved by ICMR / CE-IVD / USFDA. Kindly consult referring Physician / Authorized hospitals for appropriate follow up. Also Known As Coronavirus 2019 Test SARS CoV-2 Test COVID-19 RT-PCR COVID-19 IgG, IgM antibody test SARS CoV-2 antigen test COVID-19 Ag test. Formal Name Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS CoV-2) RNA Detection by RT-PCR, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Antibody, Serum COVID-19 Antigen test. 

Factor VIII Assay

Uses: Order to diagnose hemophilia A, acquired factor VIII deficiency, or as part of a diagnostic workup for von Willebrand disease (VWD). Also useful for monitoring treatment in patients with factor VIII deficiency or VWD. Not recommended when screening for thrombophilia.

Method: Electromagnetic Mechanical Clot Detection

Category: Coagulation Disorders, Hematology

Reference: Normal

Age Reference Interval
0-6 years 56-191%
7-9 years 76-199%
10-11 years 80-209%
12-13 years 72-198%
14-15 years 69-237%
16-17 years 63-221%
18 years and older 56-191%

Abnormal in hemophilia >5% Mild, 1-5% Moderate, <1% Severe

Pre-test Information: Overnight fasting is preferred. Give a brief clinical history. It is recommended that patient discontinues Heparin for 1 day & Oral Anticoagulants for 7 days prior to sampling as these drugs may affect test results. Discontinuation should be with prior consent from the treating Physician.

Specimen Collection: 3 mL Whole blood in 1 Blue tube (Sodium Citrate). Mix thoroughly by inversion. Transport to Lab within 4 hrs. If this is not possible, make PPP within 1 hour of the collection as follows: Centrifuge sample at 3600 rpm for 15 min & transfer supernatant to a clean plastic tube. Centrifuge this supernatant again at 3600 rpm for 15 mins & finally transfer the supernatant (PPP) to 1 labelled clean plastic screw-capped vial. FREEZE IMMEDIATELY. Ship frozen. DO NOT THAW. Overnight fasting is preferred. Duly filled Coagulation Requisition Form is mandatory.

Storage: Critical frozen

Stability: Stability Room 4 hrs
Stability Refrigerated 4 hrs
Stability Frozen 2 weeks

Report Availability: 1-3 days

More Details: Other names that describe the test. Antihemophilic Factor (AHF), Factor VIII:C (Coagulant Portion) Coagulation Factor VIII Activity Assay,Plasma Factor VIII Activity Assay, Intrinsic Factor Proteins, Intrinsic Factors, Factor 8 deficiency test. Ageing, pregnancy, OCP use & oestrogen replacement therapy can increase Factor VIII levels.

CYFRA 21-1 (Cytokeratin 19 Fragment)

Uses: Tumor marker for diagnosing lung cancer. Monitoring the course of Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) & course monitoring in Myoinvasive Bladder cancer

Method: Quantitative ELISA, Electrochemiluminescence, Immunoradiometric Assay

Category: Cancer, Oncology

Reference:  Normal < 3.30 ng/mL, Elevated > 3.30 ng/ml

Pre-test Information: Provide a brief clinical history. No special preparation required

Specimen Collection: 2 mL (0.5 mL min.) serum from 1 SST. Ship refrigerated or frozen. Allow serum specimen to clot completely at room temperature. Separate serum from cells ASAP or within 2 hours of collection. Transfer 1 mL serum to plain Red tube.

Storage: Refrigerated

Stability: Stability Room 2 hrs
Stability Refrigerated 4 weeks
Stability Frozen 2 months (avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles)

Report Availability: Same day – 8 days

More Details: CYFRA 21–1 is a sensitive and specific tumor marker of non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC), especially of squamous cell subtype. It also reflects the extent of the disease and has an independent prognostic role along with performance status and disease stage in NSCLC. In addition, detection of serum CYFRA 21–1 allows for the identification of high-risk patients that may benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy and enables the early detection of progressive disease in recurrent NSCLC. Additionally, CYFRA 21–1 has been described as a useful marker for oesophagal squamous cell carcinoma and for therapy monitoring of bladder cancer. This test is not recommended for the primary diagnosis of Lung cancer. Patients receiving Biotin therapy in high doses should not be tested for at least 8 hours after the last dose. Levels greater than 30 ng/mL are highly indicative of Primary Bronchial carcinoma. Increased Levels are also found in  Non-Small cell carcinoma lung, Acute pneumonia, Tuberculosis, Interstitial lung disease, Liver cirrhosis & Renal failure.

(1,3)-Beta-D-glucan (BDG) Assay

Uses:  Quantitative detection of (1-3)-β-D-Glucan (BDG) in serum samples which signifies the presence of invasive fungal infection. It has got both diagnostic and prognostic application.

Method: Spectrophotometry, Semi-Quantitative Colorimetry

Category: Fungal Infections, Mycology

Reference: Less than 59 pg/mL: Negative
60-79 pg/mL: Indeterminate
Greater than or equal to 80 pg/mL: Positive

Pre-test Information: No special preparation required

Specimen Collection: 2 mL (1 mL min.) serum in 1 Red tube (No additive) preferably Glucan free OR 2 mL (1 mL min.) BAL fluid in a sterile screw capped container OR 1 mL (0.5 mL min.) CSF in a sterile screw capped container. Ship refrigerated or frozen.

Storage: Refrigerated

Stability: Stability Room: 2 hrs
Stability Refrigerated: 48 hrs
Stability Frozen: 2 weeks

Report Availability: Same day – 3 days

More Details: It is indicated for presumptive diagnosis of fungal infection ( eg, P. jirovecii, Aspergillus, or Candida) & should be used in conjunction with other diagnostic procedures. This test does not detect certain fungal species such as Cryptococcus, which produce very low levels of (1,3)-beta-D-glucan. This test will not detect the zygomycetes, such as Absidia, Mucor, and Rhizopus, which are not known to produce (1,3)-beta-D-glucan. In addition, the yeast phase of Blastomyces dermatitidis produces little (1,3)-beta-D-glucan and may not be detected by the assay.


Rx Prescription Required

Classes:  Nucleoside analogue reverse-transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs), Antiretroviral Agents

Uses: Abacavir / ABC  is used in the treatment of HIV-1 infection

Administration: Oral (600mg)

Dosages ›
Interactions ›
Adverse Effects ›
Warnings ›
Safety Advice ›
Pharmacology ›
General Considerations ›
Monitoring Parameters ›
Practice Insights ›


Manufacturer: Cipla Ltd

Salt Composition: Abacavir (300mg) tablet

Price: Rs 1550 (30 tablets in 1 strip) ₹51.69/Tablet


Manufacturer: Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Salt Composition: Abacavir (300mg) tablet

Price: Rs 1550 (30 tablets in 1 strip) ₹51.68/Tablet


Manufacturer: Abbott Laboratories

Salt Composition: Abacavir (300mg) tablet

Price: Rs 2800 (60 tablets in 1 bottle) ₹46.6/Tablet 


Manufacturer: Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd

Salt Composition: Abacavir (300mg) tablet

Price: Rs 7215 (60 tablets in 1 bottle) ₹120.25/Tablet


Manufacturer: ViiV Healthcare UK Limited

Salt Composition: Abacavir (300mg) tablet, (240ml) oral solution

Price: $414.49 – $431.83 (60 tablets in 1 bottle), $53.42 (240ml oral solution)

Abamune L

Manufacturer: Cipla Ltd

Salt Composition: Abacavir (600mg) + Lamivudine (300mg)

Price: Rs 2996 (30 tablets in 1 strip)

A Bec L

Manufacturer: Emcure Pharmaceuticals Ltd

Salt Composition: Abacavir (600mg) + Lamivudine (300mg)

Price: Rs 2950 (30 tablets in 1 strip)


Manufacturer: Genix Lifescience Pvt Ltd

Salt Composition: Abacavir (600mg) + Lamivudine (300mg)

Price: Rs 2992 (30 tablets in 1 bottle)


Manufacturer: Mylan Pharmaceuticals Pvt Ltd

Salt Composition: Abacavir (600mg) + Lamivudine (300mg)

Price: Rs 1400 (30 tablets in 1 strip)

Epzicom (US), Kivexa (EU, RU)

Manufacturer: ViiV Healthcare UK Limited

Salt Composition: Abacavir (600mg) + Lamivudine (300mg)

Price: $724 (30 tablets in 1 bottle), $2154 (90 tablets in 1 bottle)


Manufacturer: ViiV Healthcare UK Limited

Salt Composition: Abacavir (600mg) + Lamivudine (300mg) + Dolutegravir (50mg)

Price: $3,175.00 (30 tablets in 1 bottle)


Manufacturer: ViiV Healthcare UK Limited

Salt Composition: Abacavir (300mg) + Lamivudine (150mg) + Zidovudine (300mg)

Price: $1,690 (60 tablets in 1 bottle)


HIV Infection

  • 300 mg PO q12hr (BD) OR 600 mg PO qDay (OD)
  • Dosage Modifications in Hepatic impairment: Mild (Child-Pugh A); adults and adolescents aged ≥16 years: Reduce dose to 200 mg q12hr (use oral solution). Moderate-to severe (Child-Pugh B or C): Contraindicated

HIV Infection

  • Oral solution: 20mg/mL
  • Tablet: 300mg
  • Neonates/infants <3 months: Safety and efficacy not established
  • Oral solution ≥3 months: 8 mg/kg PO q12hr or 16 mg/kg/day; not to exceed 600 mg/day
    Available as a scored tablet; if unable to reliably swallow tablets, prescribe the oral solution
  • 150 mg PO q12hr : ≥14 kg to <20 kg:
  • 300 mg qDay: ≥20 to <25 kg: 150 mg AM and 300 mg PM,
  • 450 mg qDay: ≥25 kg: 300 mg PO q12hr, OR 600 mg PO qDay in combination with other antiretroviral agents
  • Dosage Modifications in Hepatic impairment: Mild (Child-Pugh A); adults and adolescents aged ≥16 years: Reduce dose to 200 mg q12hr (use oral solution)
    Moderate-to severe (Child-Pugh B or C): Contraindicated



  • elvitegravir/cobicistat/emtricitabine/tenofovir DF


  • ganciclovir
  • ribavirin
  • valganciclovir

Monitor Closely

  • atazanavir
  • cabozantinib
  • didanosine
  • efavirenz
  • emtricitabine
  • enfuvirtide
  • fosamprenavir
  • indinavir
  • lamivudine
  • methadone
  • nelfinavir
  • nevirapine
  • orlistat
  • ritonavir
  • saquinavir
  • stavudine
  • tenofovir DF
  • tipranavir
  • zidovudine


  • ethanol

Adverse Effects


  • Nausea (17-19%)
  • Headache (9-13%)
  • Malaise/Fatigue (12%)
  • Nausea & vomiting (10%)


  • Hypersensitivity reaction (2-8%)
  • Diarrhea (5-7%)
  • Musculoskelatal pain (5-7%)
  • Hypertriglyceridemia (6%)
  • Hepatic: AST Increased (6%)
  • Depression (4-6%)
  • Fever/chills (3-6%)
  • Viral respiratory infections (5%)
  • Ear/nose /throat infections (4-5%)
  • Rash (4-5%)
  • Anxiety (3-5%)
  • Thrombocytopenia (1%)


  • Anaphylactoid reaction
  • Pulmonary hypertension
  • Erythema multiforme
  • Redistribution/accumulation of body fat
  • Stevens-Johnson syndrome
  • Toxic epidermal necrolysis
  • Pancreatitis
  • GGT increased
  • Hepatic steatosis
  • Heptaomegaly
  • Hepatotoxicity
  • Lactic acidosis
  • MI

Black Box Warnings

  • Prior hypersensitivity reaction to abacavir
  • Presence of HLA-B*5701 allele
  • Moderate or severe hepatic impairment

Safety Advice

🍺   Alcohol: Caution

🤰🏻   Pregnancy: Category C

🤱🏻   Breastfeeding: Unsafe

🚗   Driving: Safe

 Kidney: Safe

 Liver: Caution




Mechanism of Action: Guanosine analogue that inhibits HIV-1 reverse transcriptase by competing with dGTP as substrate, which in turn inhibits viral replication


Absorption: Rapid & extensive absorption

Vd: 0.86 L/kg

Protein Bound: 50%

Metabolism: hepatic via alcohol dehydrogenase & glucuronyl transferase to inactive carboxylate & glucuronide metabolites

Bioavailability: 83%

Half-life elimination: 1.5 hr

Peak Plasma Time: 0.7-1.7 hr

Excretion: Urine (80%); feces (16%)

Absorption: Rapid and extensive PO absorption

Peak plasma concentration: 3 mcg/mL (300 mg); 4.26 mcg/mL (600 mg)

AUC: 6.02 mcg·h/mL (300 mg); 11.95 mcg·h/mL (600 mg)


Vd: 0.86 L/kg

Protein Bound: 50%

Metabolism: Hepatic via alcohol dehydrogenase and glucuronyl transferase to inactive carboxylate and glucuronide metabolites


Half-life: 1.5 hr

Peak Plasma Time: 0.7-1.7 hr

Excretion: Urine (80%); feces (16%)


Patients who carry the HLA-B*5701 allele are at high risk for experiencing a hypersensitivity reaction

Prior to initiating therapy with abacavir, screening for the HLA-B*5701 allele is recommended

For HLA-B*5701-positive patients, treatment with an abacavir-containing regimen is not recommended

General Considerations

  • Hypersensitivity reaction to Abacavir usually occur within 9 days of starting abacavir; ~ 90% occur within 6 weeks, although these reactions may occur at any time during therapy.
  • These hypersensitivity reactions to Abacavir usually include signs or symptoms from two or more of the following: Fever, skin rash, constitutional symptoms (malaise, fatigue, aches), respiratory symptoms (e.g. pharyngitis, dyspnea, cough), and GI symptoms (e.g. abdominal pain, diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting). Other signs and symptoms include lethargy, headache, myalgia, oedema, abnormal chest x-ray findings, arthralgia and paresthesia. Anaphylaxis, liver failure, renal failure, hypotension, adult respiratory distress syndrome, respiratory failure, myolysis and death have occurred in association with hypersensitivity reactions.
  • Physical findings (lymphadenopathy, erythema multiforme, mucous membrane lesions and rash [maculopapular, urticarial or variable]) and laboratory abnormalities (e.g. elevated liver function tests, elevated creatine phosphokinase, elevated creatinine and lymphopenia) may occur.
  • Abacavir should be permanently discontinued if hypersensitivity cannot be ruled out, even when other diagnoses are possible and regardless of HLA-B*5701 status.
  • Abacavir should not be restarted because more severe symptoms may occur within hours, including life-threatening hypotension and death.

General Monitoring Parameters

  • CBC with differential, serum creatine kinase, CD4 count, HIV RNA plasma levels, serum transaminases, triglycerides, serum amylase 
  • HLA-B*5701 genotype status prior to initiation of therapy and prior to reinitiation of therapy in patients of unknown HLA-B*5701 status 
  • Signs and symptoms of hypersensitivity 

Practice Insights

  • Do not re-challenge patients who have experienced hypersensitivity to Abacavir regardless of HLA-B*5701 status.
  • Abacavir is always used as a combination drug.
  • Abacavir is contraindicated in infants less than 90 days.
  • Meta-analysis has failed to show a causal association between Abacavir and myocardial infarction so far.
  • Meta-analysis has shown that Abacavir related toxicity is manageable and can be safely used as first or second-line antiretroviral therapy especially in the population where HLA B5701 is rare (as in sub-Saharan Africa)

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