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HCC risk reduced by aspirin in chronic viral hepatitis

By April 4, 2021No Comments

HCC is the fourth-leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide, and is driven mostly by viral hepatitis B (HBV) and viral hepatitis C (HCV) infection. The risk of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) was reduced by 31% compared with no aspirin use, and liver-related mortality dropped by 27%, as long as aspirin use continued. The analysis showed that in aspirin users, the 10-year cumulative incidence of HCC was 4% compared with 8.3% in nonusers. After multivariable adjustment, aspirin users had a risk of HCC that was 31% lower compared with nonusers (adjusted subhazard ratio, 0.69; 95% confidence interval.

Source: New England Journal of Medicine

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